2017 Predictions from Liam


Happy New Year. This blog has been locked due to the fact that I wanted to make additional edits before it went live. Now that it’s completed, I’m ready to share my 2017 psychic predictions with the world. Fefe may end up sharing her own as well and I’ll check up on her in the next few days. Best wishes to you all in this new year, no matter how hard it gets.

With the last remaining threat to Trump’s presidency eliminated in the form of an electoral college coup and Putin’s cooler head on the assassination of his ambassador blunting the threat of World War 3, I can safely post these predictions as I’m confident there won’t be too many deviations from my predictions. This year’s predictions are longer than most of my previous bunch. This should hold everyone off from a January post unless there are last minute developments to take note of at the time.

2017 will be a year of many things. A further clout of false economic strength that comes crumbling down. A year where violence manifests more than most other points in history. A year where hope comes from the most vulnerable among us and those in power fall to rubble and ruin. A year where attacks on our collective freedoms are met with vocal and sometimes violent opposition. A year that most will survive, even if there are bruises to show for it.

Contrary to the beliefs of many, Trump’s first days in office will be catastrophic. Insurgent forces, failing to stop him at the electoral college level, still refuse to accept his candidacy. Even though Trump’s political party controls both chambers of congress, they do not work well together and problems fester immediately. Much of Trump’s agenda gets derailed early on and long protracted fights over other issues such as tariffs, war with Russia and the border wall cement bitterness which leads to an impeachment attempt further on down the line. There will be at least one government shutdown on Trump’s watch, with the possibility of three by 2020.

My personal instinct suggests that World War 3 has been postponed at Trump’s insistence. If Hillary has won the election, I very much believe the world would be entering its most apocalyptic days around this time. Instead, there will be more regional wars and civil conflicts that cause casualties instead. World War 3 becomes a risk again starting in 2021 on the heels of a new presidency.

Press censorship begins to take shape with laws passed to decide which content gets to be shared and which get shut down. However, mass resistance follows and much of these laws get struck down in the courts.

There are attempts to renegotiate the failing Trans Pacific Partnership, but Republican greed dooms these efforts as ally nations refuse to budge on the initial terms. This hurts Trump anyway as he is seen as violating a major campaign pledge.

Obamacare is repealed and an alternate is not put in place. Some provisions, such as allowing people under 26 to stay on their parents plan and banning discrimination of those with pre existing conditions, stay as law, but the rest, especially the key individual mandate, are gutted. This causes major panic in the health insurance market and sees millions lose their health coverage. This paves the way for single payer health care by the start of the next decade.

The Dakota Access Pipeline fails after Kelcy Warren faces an assassination attempt and workers on the pipeline are murdered by Native American tribesman. This also puts a pause on other related energy projects, infuriating Trump and blunting his agenda.

Paul Ryan becomes a major target of right wing Republicans due to his efforts to undermine Trump and the fulfillment of my assassination prediction is completed one year late in the fall.

Abortion is banned in 29 states, but access is expanded in 13 others plus the District of Columbia. Economic warfare over the issue takes place. When states that ban abortions face fiscal solvency crisis’ and mounting bills from states that legalized it taking on the residents from those that banned it, the ordinances will be repealed in no later than a decades time. This ends the debate over abortion rights forever.

The gay community becomes militant in the face of threats from the Trump administration and makes gains that shock Republican opponents. These battles see massive losses for GOP candidates in 2018 paving the way for problems for the party heading into the 2020 election.

Deportations ramp up to over 10 million by the end of the year. A comprehensive immigration reform agenda is also off the table for at least four more years.

With the lack of action from the Trump administration compelling them, companies shirk the newly passed Dark Act labeling GMO’s to cooperate with the Non-GMO project instead. GMO’s will likely be phased out, rather than banned, in the US in the next few years.

Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are forced to evacuate the country as Trump signals an attempt to indict them on criminal charges. This stops all actions that they’ll take to cement their legacy in the final days of Obama’s time in office. They will not return to the US once they pack up their things and go. They seek refuge in eastern Europe where they will remain and will never be apprehended.

Bill de Blasio avoids assassination as he is indicted on felony charges of taking bribes for state actions in both federal and state courts. He will face a departure from public life and sees prison time as a result of his crimes. The power vacuum opens itself up for a left leaning unknown to take over for the mayor and beat the Republican, Eric Ulrich, in the fall. This signals the end of the political career of Andrew Cuomo as well.

Jerry Brown has a heart attack and is forced out of office creating a power vacuum in California. A moderate Republican takes over.

Texas governor Greg Abbott has a major scandal that may force him out of office this year. This either has to do with marijuana or another illegal drug business.

Several US states file for bankruptcy this year and spend years, even decades, trying to crawl out of the pit of economic debt. Mass bitterness from the citizens of these states follows.

North Carolina’s anti trans HB2 law is ultimately gutted at the Supreme Court, but the boycotts towards the state linger even after that. Mass poverty and unemployment follow.

Puerto Rico attempts to become a US state, but is denied by Republicans in Washington. They also try to garner assistance from the EU, but these efforts are rebuffed as well. This sees a massive refugee crisis due to people fleeing the country.

The UK sees the election of Jeremy Corbyn over Theresa May shocking the establishment and seeing a left wing turn come in vast parts of Europe.

France’s election is very up in the air at the moment. The winds are pointing in a leftward direction in most of Europe and that would normally mean in France as well. However, divisions between the populist base and the establishment could see a repeat of the US election of voters staying home. Emmanuel Macron, the populist favorite, has a very strong vibe to him. It’s taken me a while to determine who the socialist upstart is, but I am now convinced that he is it. If he beats the establishment favorite Francois Fillon, then he will become the next prime minister. However, if big money elects Fillon over Macron, then France elects Marie Le Pen going in a far right direction in counter to much of the continent. All of this depends on how free France’s elections are and how motivated most of the voters there are as well. They should not shirk their duties because Le Pen would be a disaster for France and the whole continent.

Angela Merkel is voted out of office by a left wing Green party candidate, a female who looks like Zephyr Teachout, as social issues dominate over economic ones. Greece becomes a benefactor in 2018 as the new prime minister works to ease the shackles of austerity for Tsipras.

Italy and Spain leave the EU this year.

While the elite try desperately to push for war with Russia, the new Trump administration and public opinion are going to make such a confrontation next to impossible to implement. This does not mean that Russia is in the clear. Vladimir Putin will face domestic crisis as successful military campaigns in Syria lead to the populace questioning the lack of focus on economic issues at home. Not able to defeat him militarily, the world will begin to shift a renewed focus to poverty and homelessness that is running rampant on Putin’s watch. This causes a leadership change where Putin is forced out of office by the will of his own people. While it gets rid of one titan of evil, I fear another one, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, takes his place instead and this is a man who could lead us to World War 3. Hopefully, the people of Russia choose a wiser leader than him, but if they don’t, the risk of war flourishes again in 2018.

Norway attempts to open up relations with the US to spite Germany, but scandal deriving from unethical business practices becomes a major point of contention that backfires on Erna Solberg’s government.

Kim Jong Un will be assassinated in the spring. There have already been plans under way in 2016, some of them made public. These efforts will succeed since there’s such a coordinated effort to do it.

South Korea falls into a period of instability due to the failure of the new president to take advantage of the weakness of Un’s regime and an economic downturn that many won’t expect.

Japan’s economy makes a recovery despite more tsunamis and earthquakes in their midst sometime around the late summer.

The potential to avoid nuclear war for a decade or more is approaching at a critical juncture in the history of the Middle East. Iran’s prime minister either dies of cancer or is assassinated. This leaves a power vacuum that is likely filled by a pro-Western lawmaker. This person clamps down on domestic hostility to globalization and begins to extend a hand to the wider world with an offering of peace. If the world takes it, we will begin to see the decade end with a real moment where peace can flourish throughout the world. I’m hopeful that humanity takes it. Offerings like this do not come everyday.

China sees domestic unrest come this year from economic instability and political crackdowns on dissent. The people begin a campaign of revolt that will succeed by the end of the decade. While the west starts the conflict, it will be the regional players of Asia who finish the communist government of China off once and for all.

Taiwan becomes a flash point as Christians do battle with the Chinese government beginning a conflict that lasts for over a hundred years.

Assad sees an exit from a mandated election by the world, including his ally Putin. Thrown out of office, Syria begins working towards peace in the region with a more moderate rebel leader at the helm.

India faces a challenging year due to the risk of war with Pakistan and domestic unrest over various issues such as the sodomy ban, the crackdown on labor unions and cash ban taking place as we speak. Narendra Modi can survive this crisis that his nation is facing, but only if he shirks his political right wing and does the morally responsible thing (advice that I would give to many world leaders at this time). If not, bloodshed follows that sees regional war and crackdowns on the left take place. It will be a number of years before India will pick the pieces back up again if they go this route. There’s time to make changes for peace, but it requires political will. Hopefully Modi grows a pair.

Malcolm Turnbull is burned by Trump and other international leaders this year over various issues out of Australia. A deal for the US to take refugees is denied and leaves eggs on his face. The refusal to hold a vote on marriage equality severely damages the Australian economy. This leads to an assault on Turnbull by eggs or tomatoes at the Sydney Mardi Gras this year in a moment that will remind the world of the pie attack on Anita Bryant. China encroaches on their waters with no military protection from the US in sight. Bad weather also plagues the continent seeing evacuation of homes as a result in the latter part of April to early May. By 2019, Turnbull will be out of office along with rest of his Liberal party.

Contrary to the belief of some, President Obama is not a notorious anti-Israel zealot. As much as I’ve had my grievances with him on many issues, this is not one where he has embraced evil. In fact, the main problem he has is that he waited to act too long to a conflict that will soon become impossible to resolve with a two state solution. Israel has been slowly isolating itself for decades, but the last three years have seen a point of no return reached that I’ve repeatedly warned about in previous predictions. As a result of long pent up karma, Israel becomes a pariah state in the eyes of the world this year and support amongst Americans deteriorates rapidly. Settlements expand early in Trump’s administration and this sees larges swaths of the world call for sanctions and boycotts. This does not initially penetrate US political discussion (especially with those seeing profit to be made on the settlements), but after Benjamin Netanyahu (if he is still alive or in office at this point….assassination or a criminal indictment seems likely) or his successor gets into an altercation with Trump over a domestic dispute, the political winds change rapidly. Calls for cutting military aid follow this insult from both Democrats and Republicans and BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) grows as a movement that the Israelis can no longer control. This emboldens Palestinian actors, in particular Mahmoud Abbas, to seek recourse in the International Criminal Court and sees Israel’s Jewish majority collapse in short time. Senator Schumer’s potential assassination by a Palestinian militant also serves to create tensions between the US and Israel that explode in the face of its fragile alliance. By the end of the decade, Israel will likely fall to make way for a new binational state for Jews and Arabs to share.

Alexis Tsipras faces mob riots in Greece and fears of assassination that prove to be deadly in 2018 if he isn’t thrown out of office at that time.

Turkey tumbles into a dark moment seeing refugees fleeing in short time. Erdogan refuses to step down and this creates immense tensions to throw them out of the EU and NATO. Success on this front follows and Turkey is left alone in the region with no allies. Despite attempts to open the flood gates of Syrian refugees to Europe in retaliation, it will not deter the world from icing them out of the equation. Turkey will remain a pariah state until it reforms on its own at the start of the next decade.

Many psychics have already discussed the situation in the Philippines with Rodrigo Duerte and his brutal war on drugs inspired by the US. Contrary to many suspect, though, his ouster is not imminent and it will be a number of years before he is forced to resign from office. In the meantime, previous earthquake warnings continue and I would anyone who lives there to evacuate if possible. It’s going to be a bumpy ride until the start of the next decade.

Questions over the success of racial integration in South Africa emerge in a big way. A mass struggle domestically follows suit.

ISIS faces the hands of defeat by the end of the year.

If Edward Snowden isn’t pardoned by President Obama in 2016, then Snowden will be extradited in the middle of the year and will eventually face the death penalty. This causes international relations to disintegrate and brings up remnants of the executions of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg.

The catholic church faces a year of unprecedented scandal. Nuns are burned alive in various parts of the world. Pope Francis faces a coup in his ranks which fails. Laws are passed in various municipalities extending the deadline for sexual abuse related crimes opening the church up to billions in economic damage. All of this leads to a downfall of the church that will see horrors unleashed in the next century.

A aerodynamic vehicle that some speculate came from Atlantis or an earlier civilization is discovered in the Indian ocean. Its true origins will be revealed between 2025 and 2032.

A major terrorist attack occurs at a soccer match in London. Mass casualties come as a result.

As I’ve previously written, Jimmy Carter passes away. There will also be major health problems for Bill Clinton and George HW Bush.

The death of the Dalai Lama is possible this year if his health disintegrates in August.

While there may be some rumors to the contrary, Queen Elizabeth won’t pass away until 2019 or 2020 at the earliest. Her death will signal World War 3. We won’t see it until at least after she passes.

Prince Harry breaks up with Meghan Markle. There will also be no more threats to his life despite previous ones in 2012-2014.

There is a large earthquake coming to southern California between March and April. May hit 7-8 on the richter scale. Will not be the big one.

A massive black out hits the east coast of the United States this summer due to an outside attack. Power outages follow for five days and sees the death of over 100 people as a result.

A more mild hurricane season approaches this year, though the Caribbean is hit with some bad storms in April and August.

January to February sees the largest recorded snow come in vast parts of the world. Other regions that normally expect no snow will receive some flurries and others that expect large amounts of snow will receive a lot less this year. Despite what some may try to say to the contrary, climate change is real and this is one of its most glaring pieces of evidence.

Wild mountain bears attack humans in various parts of the world seeing a massive worldwide bear hunt take place.

As I’ve previously written, until humanity is ready to handle it, extraterrestrial life will not present itself to the world. However, hints will come in the form of sky shows that prove to the most keen that their existence is beyond a reasonable doubt.

Gender studies and other related fields are gutted from universities across the country.

The Westboro Baptist Church returns to picketing at funerals causing mass anger amongst the populace.

An elevator shaft collapses at a famous hotel causing some deaths.

Celebrity news will gain prominence in a way it hadn’t due to the interests of governments to distract from what is happening behind the scenes. Troubled celebrities should take heed and prepare accordingly. They will be scapegoated with no recourse.

Kanye West faces death this year.

The music industry resurges on the heels of the success of a new male artist.

Hollywood faces financial ruin over the lack of blockbusters this year.

A scandal breaks out over the Academy Awards and sees further ratings deterioration this year.

The NFL sees a sharp downturn in viewership that causes panic amongst the owners. It will never resurge again.

Closeted athletes are forced out in a very public way causing scandal in the league they are from.

The video game industry will see a major shift of fortunes as home consoles plunge in sales while online and mobile gaming surge in popularity. Retro gaming and immerse mobile gaming have massive success while shooters and sports games continue a decline in revenue. Nintendo also sees licensing as a new frontier to money making rather than relying on traditional video games. VR gaming also fails to make traction and it begins to recede at the end of the year.

China begins to discover a cure for HIV/AIDS and, in the process, discovers its shocking origins and Ronald Reagan’s purposeful efforts to introduce it to the LGBT community in the 1980’s.

Major scandals at Apple and Google are forthcoming as the result of damning information released by WikiLeaks. This causes financial catastrophe in Silicon Valley.

Non for profits face scandal over excessive spending, high compensation for executives and money not going where it is designated to. This hurts the industry as donations dry up this year.

Monsanto faces a major scandal that sees jail time for executives and calls for banning them from purchasing public land.

There will be more mass shootings in the US this year than at any other point in history.

Strong potential for a leak this year of the ability to transform people into animals via chemical injections that was developed between 2012 and 2015.

Problems for many celebrities emerge this year. This includes Christina Aguilera, Jessica Simpson, Lady GaGa and Katy Perry.

Barbra Streisand faces major health problems this year leading to a death by 2018 or 2019.

A NFL star dies in a car crash this year. It might be Aaron Rodgers or another white Green Bay Packers player.

A Real Housewife passes away from a drug overdose. Brandi Glanville, Bethenny Frankel or Kim Richards are the most likely victims.

Barbara Walters passes away this year.

While I said Rupert Murdoch would pass in 2016, my private predictions list said it was possible for him to pass in 2017 instead. He’ll absolutely die this year.

Rachel Maddow’s wife dies of cancer causing her to retreat from the spotlight.

Gloria Vanderbilt passes away this year along with Anderson Cooper’s boyfriend leaving him grief stricken.

Melissa McCarthy has a heart attack and may pass away.

Chaka Khan passes away this year.

Aretha Franklin passes away this year.

Ryan Seacrest considers retirement but is given a lucrative deal to stay employed.

Singers Kesha, Kacey Musgraves and Shania Twain reemerge in a major way this year seeing massive success.

Country singer Sam Hunt becomes a massive crossover star comparable to Taylor Swift and Shania Twain.

Unrelated to the first music industry prediction, I have a feeling that Michael Jackon’s reincarnation will emerge in South Korea this year. He is a little boy with an immense talent that will capture the world by storm. It won’t be obvious at first, but a song of his he will write in the distant future will prove it beyond a reasonable doubt.

Major scandal arrises out of Sony Music more shocking than anything you’ve heard before. It does get worse.

Angelina Jolie hooks up with comedian Russell Brand in a relationship that soon turns tragic.

Several tumblr favorites become successful this year in an international capacity. This includes Youtube star Betty Bowers and the stars of the British soap opera Emmerdale.

Late 90’s stars become popular again this year.

A reunion of the Spice Girls with all five girls is formed this year for a short period of time.

7 thoughts on “2017 Predictions from Liam

  1. Your prediction list confirms one of the biggest misgivings I have about Trump: That he will try to censor the news media. I hope the courts prevent him from doing that like you suggest they will.

  2. Thanks for your predictioins. Shew! I wasn’t as bad as I expected though. I’m a long-time reader and was really anxious to see what you would say. While it’s pretty bad at times, I do think we will make it through this next year relatively unscathed, i.e., the whole country won’t burn to the ground though parts will definitely be in bad shape. Thanks again for your predictions. Happy Holidays.

    1. No and that’s why nothing bad has happened yet. Much of the evil he wants will commence. The question that comes down the line is whether an abandonment may happen later. That’s to be determined.

  3. I’ve read the first few lines of your predictions for 2017 and find it interesting that they tie in with what’s happening at the moment with the false flag around pizzagate and the Podesta emails; Obama trying to start a war with Russia; and the world coming to understand of the plans of Soros and the greater powers. thank you.

    1. Thanks for the suggestion. I actually had no idea what that was until I looked it up. It could be mistaken for it, but I have a feeling there’s an extraterrestrial element to it that will be discovered eventually. We won’t know for a very long time. Sorry for the delay in replying.

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