Americans Plea to the World; Help Us Avoid Government Camps


I warned about FEMA/Re-education concentration camps years ago and everyone laughed.  Our public education system doesn’t teach about how we had Japanese American Citizens rounded up and put into camps after the bombing of Pear Harbor.  So, history warns of a precedent of our government to create unjust camps.  The government has already created such concentration camps.   Now, our leaders and media are announcing if we disagree with Obama or anything that our government does they will gather up Americans and toss us into concentration camps.  Perhaps this is what all those coffins are for too?  Hillary has already set the stage for ‘fun camps’ for adults so looks like if you disagree with Hilary then you get to go to a camp.  They certainly spy on us and collect data and make lists so they are ready to roll out the camps.  This is not conspiracy any more than if the Jews would have feared a camp and been called conspiracy theorists.

I’m sure when they round people up there will be so much fear in the air that some people will stand down.  DO NOT FOLLOW THESE UNJUST ORDERS, be Oath Keepers if you are in law enforcement or the military.  On behalf of Americans I beg the citizens of the world to notice this and help us avoid it and come to our aid promptly when they do this Nazi like red flag concentration camp nightmare.  Remember their ‘self radicalized’ lone wolves are people who believe in the Bill of Rights, the Constitution and know their rights!  These are the ‘radical terrorists’ they discuss, not ISL.  NO, ISL is on their side. Obama even said it.  TERRORISTS are defined as anyone who gets in the way of the NWO agenda.

Please watch:

#POS Wesley Clark the Nazi

INSANE NEWS!! Government plans (FEMA) CAMPS for Dissenters


The news is more insane daily as our psychic warnings are quickly being fulfilled!

Remember our warnings about WWII type camps for government dissenters?  They will target anyone they think is a threat to their tyranny and take them to re-education camps.  They will follow Hitler’s playbook acting like this is to ‘help’ people become more politically correct.  Hillary Clinton has insulted our intelligence by trying to brand and sell these camps as ‘fun camps.’  I think she has lost her marbles complete in believing that we would go to these camps as if we can’t wait and will have fun!! The government is not here to help us in this case.  They don’t care if we are relaxed and having fun!! WTF.

Watch the witch Hillary trying to sell ‘fun camps’, no doubt targeting gun owners, veterans, Oath keepers, the liberty movement, Christians and any sort of government dissenter HERE.  I bet the fun camps include fun microchips, fun vaccines and fun torture and fun executions.  Fun Gulags coming to a town near you!!! Roach motel fun camps where you check in anytime you like and never leave fun hotel California.  Fun control of everything about our lives.  Sounds like a blast! Fun slavery.  Fun genocide.  Clinton is so fun, loving and awesome to help prepare this future for us.  Hunger games life will be very fun!  I was reading about WWII Japanese camps for Americans and the first thing I thought was ‘how fun!!’

DUHHH Satan always appears good looking and tempting with lots of promises of good things.  Just like Satan, Hillary is not going to present FEMA torture and death Gulags for government dissenters.  No, she instead will sell this agenda just as she is, as fun, loving and awesome!!!

DISTURBING.  At what point does Hillary get put on trial?

The above photo is a Japanese WWII camp in America.  Let us remember the past and learn from the tragic events and not repeat them!!

Attack on African Americans



Yesterday I posted about a wave of racial unity on the horizon as a backfiring of the NWO race baiting.  I am very disturbed today when I read THIS ARTICLE about the US ARMY training to take on African Americans and ship them to FEMA CAMPS during civil unrest.  I already discussed the abortion eugenics attack on African Americans.  Could this training be a more obvious attempt to bring back slavery?  All colors of people will unite and stand up against these tyrants and their evil plans.  This disgusts me to the core that our government would overtly train for something like this.  No one is going to permit this.  They are going after so many groups right now and no one isn’t on the NWO terror list.  I think the African Americans just made the list because they are vocally standing up for their God given rights and they remember their history where they were deprived of their rights.  They are pointing the finger at Obama as a traitor against African Americans; he betrays everyone but especially his own.  This training will also backfire and cause racial unity for human rights/freedom and Americans united against NWO slavery!

United We Stand; Divided We Fall.

Prediction about Civil War in the USA

I made this prediction when Obama was reelected and want to update it now here.  As I warned, Obama will pass an executive order that really stands against liberty and the Constitution and is apart of the NWO Hitlarian plan which they want to trigger a Civil War.  My disclaimer is that the people on this blog do not want a war and are non-violent.  We are hoping to stop any violence and spread freedom which is why we post.   Here it is, a gun ban executive order plan.  So the plan to disarm the Americans is this: 1. dry up the ammo supply and place restrictions on ammo sales/production, 2. make a registry list so they can go after gun owners, 3. false flags to persecute gun owners (Like Sandy Hook and all the mass shootings which are just part of the plan to take away guns), 4. brainwash people against guns in the media, 5. brainwash kids in school against guns, 6. go after any gun symbol like toy guns or toaster pastries that look like guns because they want to cause crazy fear with the subject of guns, 7. go after gun owners, gun manufactures and gun stores any legal way possible like by using the IRS to shut them down or regulations, 8. Ban the materials to make guns/bullets, 9. go after speaking about guns, 10. use the health programs/ doctors to declare people who like guns have mental disorders and ban mental disorder people from owning guns, 10. declare veterans mentally disabled and take away their ability to own guns, 11. go after any media personality who encourages the second amendment, 12. psyops on every internet site trying to make it look like the majority of people want a gun ban, 13. let in the immigrants that don’t believe in guns to vote to take the guns, 14. movies/tv/news that highlights gun violence and distorts the facts that guns save lives and its more likely you would die from eating popcorn then guns and gun violence is down since the 80’s, 14. a series of executive actions that ban one type of gun after the next, 15.  movies/tv/news that makes gun owners all look like they are nuts and ready to snap and everyone in the world hates them and wants a gun ban, 16. Begin taking guns from people as tests in certain areas they think they will have success then spread and get more aggressive about it.  17.  Persecute any group that is pro-guns and bad images of guns like even on t-shirts.

There is more but I want to point out this is a really well thought out plan that is so pervasive and includes such a multiplicity of ways to attack and undermine the Second Amendment.  They will try to take down the entire Constitution and this is only a part of it.  They want to roll out martial law and have all the supplies in place.  They are drilling for gun bans.

What is happening is this: 1. people are awakening, 2. the citizens are arming, 3. the troops are organizing and awakening, 4. the police are organizing and awakening, 5. Oath Keepers is making plans, 6. militias are making plans , 7. states like Texas are making plans, 8. good people are speaking out and whistleblowers are making a difference

What I see happening in my dreams and visions: 1. they will keep up their plan as I detailed above, 2. they will do a series of executive orders and false flags which they do but blame on gun owners, veterans, Tea Party People, liberty lovers, lovers of the Constitution….etc, 3. they will stage some event and hope to engage the police against the troops so they both take each other out, 4. they spice the pot with race division (divide and conquer), 5. they might nuke a major city as Obama keeps warning will happen if they feel they are losing in their agenda, 6. They might use weather war to make it hard for people, 7. they might use a bioweapon; for example, inside food they supply during a power interruption that they caused.  The bioweapon will be secret and just look like a disease.  I think they might even offer some vaccine that is a bioweapon, 8. they will take out the major vocal people who are against their NWO agenda amid another event, 9.  They will roll out the drones, 10. They will take people to camps, 11. They hope to drag this out for a long long while, 12. good news: even though some areas have civil war Texas leads the resistance and takes some states with them possibly, 13. Their plan fails and this goes down in history like a Hitlarian nightmare; the NWO people are rooted out and made accountable, 14. The future is going to be amazing and bright and we get past this terrible stage and more to a more enlightened state of living longer with amazing technology.  We had to get past this to learn to be the way we are in the future.  This isn’t a new story, it has happened before.  More about my visions of technology as they come into my dreams.  Please just prepare yourself in every way possible and have faith in the goodness of humanity conquering the bad people who are trying to take away our humanity to enslave us in their depopulation agenda 21 evil plot of Satan.