50 Predictions for 2016+


50 Predictions 2016 and Beyond


+  These are my predictions based on my dreams, evidence/confirmations from the news, understanding of history, my visions, confirmations from other psychics/spiritual people who see/predict similar events to mine. 

+ A lot of the 50 points on this list are already mentioned in my other predictions and I arrived at these ideas on my own from dreams and then sought confirmation from political events and news. 

+ Some of these predictions I began writing about several years ago and have become more clear/confirmed at this moment in time. 

+ I  pray against the negative events and that we can use our collective consciousness to defeat the NWO agenda and create a healthy, safe, liberty promoting, wealthy, fertile future for humanity. 

+ I’m not surprised that some other psychics see the same warnings.  We tap into the same frequencies and often see parts of the same story from different aspects. 

+ I’m also expecting a huge NWO blowback from government trolls who regularly attack me and my websites.  Your attacks only confirm that I’m exposing NWO evil satanic agendas and allowing people to pray against it, stop it, whistle blow, prepare and renounce humanity’s consent.  We not not consent to your NWO agenda.  We do not submit. 

+ Nevertheless, here is a concise list of 50 predictions for 2016 and beyond.  These are not the only things I see in my dreams and mind but I feel these are the points of interest and urgency which need prayer, attention, consideration and preparation.   

+ I believe that a variety of people from different religions, races and walks of life are seeing many of these 50 things on my list and will continue to awaken to these 50 realizations.  I am not sure of an exact timeline or time order for these visions but I believe these are all materializing in 2016 at least in intention/groundwork if not complete execution.  Humanity can spread information and say “NO!!!” to the NWO anti-human evil agenda.   


Year of “Fear” – increasing feeling no one can be trusted, government vs citizens, groups against each other, religions divided, races divided , states vs feds, “divide and conquer”

Year of “Nazi America Rising” (if they get their way, this is what is desired)

Year of “Choosing Sides”

Year of “Lies and Truth”

Year of “Division”

Year of “Injustice”

Year of “Persecution”

Year of “Manipulation”

Year of “Power Grabs”

1. More terror attacks in “Gun Free Zones” in the USA and worldwide.  Some of these are false flags  with varying degrees of government involvement and some are copy cats which really is indirect government involvement. 

2. Obama/NWO agenda: creating opportunities for chaos/ or just politicalizing events to take away liberty, disarm everyone and obliterate the Constitution/Bill of Rights.  The NWO wants disarmed slaves who cannot uprise.

3. More government large scale drills and preps for Civil War (Jade Helm, Jade Helm ‘Uprising’).  Some of these drills have the atmosphere of becoming hot/ False flags.  Moving toward Civil War/WWIII.  Intensification of war, rumors of war, war provocation, war games.

4. More Soros/NWO funding and instigating of Race Wars.  Racially motivated attacks and psyops stirring up both sides- the KKK, the Black Panthers.  Blowback: desire of the people for racial unity.

5. ISIS uniting with Mexican Drug Cartels and hatching more terror events/ training; ISIS exploitation of lax boarders and immigration openings.  Terror from Mexican Drug Cartels.

6. Texas under fire from the NWO.  Texas ready to respond…I still see Texas as an apex of the Civil War.  Texas leading the states rights vs fed government war.  Texans arming themselves and preparing for a government attack which could be a move to take guns, land grabs or any of the ‘hot issues.’  Succession movement still gaining.

7. States Rights VS Federal Government!  Land grabs and overall misuse of federal government regarding property rights.  NWO desire to obliterate property rights and just steal everything while pushing people into small “Hunger Games” type hubs.

8. Both an increase of lies in the media/movies…..general attempt to gas light and cover up and crease confusion…..plus the increase of lies which are exposed by whistleblowers and more amazing horrific satanic like revelations regarding things like the selling of baby parts by Planned Parenthood.  Increase of ‘exposing the NWO’ movies/propaganda as people take sides.

9. Increase of movement toward global carbon taxes and environmental tyranny.  Those who speak out against this scam will be prosecuted.  More ridiculous defenses of this web of lies which only serve the NWO agenda: “The power to tax is the power to destroy.”

10. No recovery of the economy worldwide.  Decline/depression/collapse.  I’m not sure when its going to totally collapse but I feel an urgent need to prepare against this personally.  I’ve had so many dreams about this one and all these predictions I am making are inter-related and can have a possible domino type effect. 

11. Increase of cops being targeted by racial violence as promoted by the mainstream media/NWO.  Decline of police force and influx of ‘federal agents’ to take their place.  Militarizing of police and move toward police state.  Possible troops on the street/checkpoints during events. 

12. Declining justice system which becomes more of a Stazi/Nazi arm of the federal government to persecute people who are anti-NWO.  Increasing use of the IRS for political persecution

13. Increasing gun sales

14. Increasing organization of Militias and calls to impeach/over throw and jail governmental agents who are violating the rights of citizens

15. Increasing persecution of Christians world-wide.  Worst ever, more violent and vulgar displays.

16. Increasing persecution of all religions including mainstream Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, Amish

17. Increasing exorcisms and witch hunts, especially in third world countries

18. Increase of child trafficking, beastiality, woman trafficking, selling of body parts, drugs

19. Media cover up of extremist Muslim persecution of the LGBT community and a steady heating response from the LGBT community

20. Movement toward a global currency/ devaluing of the dollar and countries abandoning the dollar/ movement includes going toward a ‘mark of the beast’ type chip that is implanted for buying and selling.  Might not happen this year but movement toward achieving it is happening this year for sure. Increasing food prices worldwide.

21. Movement to introduce a global identification card (which relates to #20) in order to better track, monitor, prohibit and control everyone.  It is sold as a card that keeps us safe from terrorism/ helps us track immigration but the same tactic exactly was used by Hitler and served only for government control of everyone/ stripping away of rights and political persecution; their solution to the immigration problem and vetting immigrants to weed out terrorists is this international ID card which is the card of the NWO.  This card actually has nothing to do with terrorism and does not protect anyone. 

22. Malls, schools, theatres, holidays, national symbols, churches, mosques, synagogues, cultural events, parades, protests, demonstrations, sporting events, celebrations, flags, symbols under fire/ desire to eliminate because of the NWO

23. “Political Correctness” explodes and is an obvious tool for persecution and government controls.  Control of speech, thinking, pre-crime and shaming.  Plus, a blow back against this overtly obnoxious agenda.  Please educate yourself on the history of ‘Political Correct Speech’ regarding Hitler and the Nazis.  History repeats, echoes and gets WORSE.    

24. Persecution of whistleblowers, especially in the army, government, media.  Realization that if we don’t expose lies/injustice we will suffer anyway.  No one is safe so might as well stand for the good/truth.

25. Movement to end the free media under the guise of keeping us safe from terrorism.  They will say that the free internet is allowing terrorists to be recruited, radicalized and to communicate and plot terror events and the only solution is some kind of alternative internet which is totally government controlled, which means NWO controlled.  The NWO simply wants to obliterate free speech and end all political communication through alternative media thus gaining the power to control and brainwash through media.  They admitted they are losing the info-war and want to gain control of information. 

26. Growing hatred of USA intervention in the world stage; growing hatred of Israel

27. Increasing infertility- this problem does not get better any time soon

28. Increasing cancers and neurological diseases and resistant antibiotics (and Failed ObamaCare) cause more people to wake up and try to become healthy through clean non-GMO organic food, natural medicines, alternative medicines, eliminating toxins like fluoride from the water which the government puts in to dumb us down as a weapon, questioning vaccines and big Pharma/ Monstanto.  Attempted take down of organizations like Monsanto.  All of this is an increasing war on health between the NWO who responds by becoming more sneaky in their attacks on food/water/medicine/environment.  More companies struggle  in this economy and succumb to the demands of the people for cleaner food. Gross additives exposed, brought to light.  Government regulations attempt to push NWO food/supplement control/poison. 

29. General increased mental illness.  Weirdness expressed in surprising new ways like those people who ‘identify’ as dumplings or want to blind themselves or want to cut off their limbs as nuggets and be ‘trans-abled.’  This is being promoted by the NWO because in the transition to trans-human they want to re-define what it is to be human without any kind of limits/ reason/ natural definitions of any sort

30. Use of the controlling of education for government propaganda brainwashing…..government replacing the family is ramped into high gear and more overt than ever.  Common Core’s insanity, the refusal to teach American History, persecution of children who don’t want to eat the toxic food or wear a political shirt or chew their pop tart into a gun…..complete undermining and brainwashing of our children and more people waking up to this insanity and opting for homeschool.  Increasing persecution of homeschoolers. Expect more insane articles of this sort.

31. More homeless on every corner, more crime, more homeless animals and the quality of life in America in decline….increased food prices and continued drop of oil prices…..manipulation of markets…..America shifting toward a third world country and a disappearing middle class.

32. Increase of strange weather, swarms of earthquakes and mass animal deaths….not due to ‘man made climate change’

33. Increasing water shortages (some contrived)/pollution/ toxic water….it is very important to make sure to filter your water this year and beyond. 

34. Increasing persecution of artists, activists who use the arts and comedians.  In response waves of artists who defy the rules of the establishment and make their criticisms of government anyway.

35. Threats of and possible execution of biological/chemical attacks by ISIS in the USA (and abroad).  This would be a mother of false flags and I believe the government has something planned regarding this.  Two years ago I found a pamphlet made for public schools regarding federal preps and drills for upcoming biological and chemical attacks.  This preparation includes taking school kids in drills to FEMA like camps and holding them without releasing them to their parents.  I made a YouTUBE video about this pamphlet asking what horrible false flag biological or chemical attack they have planned which involves our children at public schools and they actually removed the soundtrack on my video and put some strange song instead to mute me.  I’m not sure when this will happen but I see the ducks lining up for a plan to execute this false flag which would be a complete NWO order from chaos false flag that has clearly been planed and executed with an agenda in mind to push ahead thanks to this contrived crisis.

36. Trump needs to be very careful.  Putin and others have warned him about his safety.  Likewise, Alex Jones, Steve Quayle and anyone who stands against the NWO need to be careful because the time is coming for persecution.  They might disappear some people during events or just outright murder.  Then, they will simply blame ISIS or some government created patsy.

37. Increasing governmental regulations/ surveillance/ prohibitions which are overtly illegal across the board.  Desire for a martial law situation which never ends. 

38. I believe that ISIS has an attack planned for the Vatican.  I’m not sure when it will happen but in their fantasy they want to hijack and take over the Vatican and put in an Islamic State capital. 

39. Increase in Islam and decline in other religions. 

40. Increase in Satanism and mainstreaming of Satanic practices in the mainstream media and NWO controlled propaganda

41. Continued redefinition of beauty standards for women and men in the media and on television/movies/ within fashion.  Glorification of different body types, strong women, gender neutral body types and fashion, ehtnic is trendy, decline of the boundaries between men and women….even in toys and toy stores.  In transhumanism the core of what humanity is, as well as sexuality is completely redefined and this movement to create humans that are both female and male is part of the NWO agenda for transhumanism.  Womb transplants and alternative birthing methods are also being implemented already. 

42. More fighting politically about men in women’s bathrooms.  More attacks on women and small children in the bathroom by heterosexual male perverts in the bathrooms. 

43. More women wanting concealed carry and more gun free zones pushing to have armed guard and a government blow back trying to limit these practices. 

44. More sightings of ‘demons’ ‘aliens’

45. Food trends: still pushing to introduce insects into the mainstream, fads that are Middle Eastern hitting mainstream and fancy food establishments in the USA and the West like Lebne, Zaatar, fancy juice bars like they have in Arab lands….Saj breads and pizzas.

46. Corruption at Universities/ propaganda and thought control from the NWO agenda/ this is increasing and becoming more strange and overt

47. Increasing deaths from synthetic pot and synthetic drugs.  Don’t do these.  As pot is decriminalized and the war on drugs ends synthetic drugs will be outlawed.

48. Return of weird old dead strange diseases.  Something from deep in the ground…(?) I’m not sure what thing is trapped deep in the ground or deep in rock but there is something toxic that will be exposed according to my dreams…..something dormant goes live.

49. Personal warning: my dreams tell me that one day in my lifetime there will be a power outage (CME?) which results in the decline of the ‘just in time’ food delivery and render a deep and urgent need for us to prepare to avoid what I experienced as a horrible thirst and hunger and insanity.

50. Personal warning: my dreams tell me that one day bombs will go off in NYC, Washington and it is part of this NWO nightmare.  I also saw North Korea bombing South Korea and something going down in both Israel and Saudi Arabia.  These were terrible vivid nightmares I hope never come to pass but my dreams of these repeated and were very intense and I wake up crying and sweating.  I didn’t see a wide spread nuclear type devastation but certain targets in pain, with a black swirling energy over them in my dreams.    


+ I urge you to research history and events where tyrants have risen to power.  The comparisons between what is happening in the USA to Hitler’s rise to power are shockingly horrible.  There is a clear NWO playlist and they are pulling out the stops at this crucial time in history just before Singularity and their Transhuman shift.

+See: Nazi Germany Era Austrian Lady  Survivor Kitty Worthman discussing Rise of Hitler/ comparison with Obama and USA 2015


I also urge you to research all of my points above on your own and to seek the predictions of others which, I believe confirm aspects of the same future. 

See: Lisa Haven Prediction Video where she details 18 predictions for 2016


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